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Prior to starting The Mathews Agency, Janet Mathews was a Realtor and George Mathews was a business owner working in the home improvement industry. At that time, Janet and George had little control over their time and their money. There was never a coach or mentor to provide guidance and support. Many hours of their day were spent in prospecting for clients.

They did not have luxury of access to a world-class lead program.

In July 2013, a friend who had already sta
rted with Symmetry, introduced Janet and George to Symmetry. After only 11 months, in June 2014, they became Agency Owners. In 2015, they won the "SFG FIRED-UP" Award in 2015!

In June 2021, Janet and George became Senior Vice Presidents AND achieved the top 120 level.


In February of 2022, they became Advisory Board Members and at this year's 2022 Reimagine Quility National Conference, they received the Blue Jacket Award! According to SFG Co-Founder, Casey Watkins, the Blue Jacket award is Symmetry's version of the infamous Green Jacket awarded in golf to the winner of the Annual Masters Tournament - "It is for the greatest percentage of net growth year over year, in an agency

RAD or above, and the highest achievement award we recognize annually!"


Janet and George reached 108% growth in their Agency over the last several years!


Not only that - but they were also honored as the Top Builders for Mutual of Omaha!


"Janet and I are deeply honored to have earned SFG's coveted Blue Jacket Award for 2021. While the Jackets may bear our names, every thread is symbolic of each and every agent and staff member within our Agency and represents their hard work and commitments. The fabric itself was tailored and is held together by this amazing Symmetry culture!"

- Janet and George Mathews










































With 9 Agency Owners - 5 Direct, 183 Writers, 4.2 million APV, averaging about $600K a month, The Mathews are more FIRED UP than ever! For 10 years, Janet and George have been passionate about helping families secure their financial future, bringing other agents into the business, and mentoring those agents to become agency owners themselves!

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“Business ownership and helping others really learn the system and get duplicated in basically running their own franchise because that’s really what it is - it’s a systematic approach to helping people and having success and that thrilled us! Nobody’s really offering that in the industry!”
- Janet and George Mathews
The place to ignite your passion and nourish your soul! (2).png


Hilton Head, SC



© 2013 by The Mathews Agency

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